Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The Kingdom of Avalon
by attylilxmjWhat if there's a world where dragons exist?
What if there's a world so different from ours?
Do you choose to remain on earth, or discover a whole new kingdom?
Find out the answer in the story of Kira, a girl trapped in a forbidden past, and feared in the future.
Kira is an 18-year-old descendant of Valons with a twist. She is human too? But how?
When the Kingdom of Avalon came to ruins because of her brother, Izar's hunger for power, she was directed to open a long lost portal to a world of mortals. From there, she must find her way back to Avalon, with the guidance of Leda, her dragon. Along the way, Kira discovers the story of her past, experiences romance at present, and searches freedom for tomorrow.
What if there's a world so different from ours?
Do you choose to remain on earth, or discover a whole new kingdom?
Find out the answer in the story of Kira, a girl trapped in a forbidden past, and feared in the future.
Kira is an 18-year-old descendant of Valons with a twist. She is human too? But how?
When the Kingdom of Avalon came to ruins because of her brother, Izar's hunger for power, she was directed to open a long lost portal to a world of mortals. From there, she must find her way back to Avalon, with the guidance of Leda, her dragon. Along the way, Kira discovers the story of her past, experiences romance at present, and searches freedom for tomorrow.
Chapter 1: Awakening
Chapter 1: AwakeningI am running. Running. And Running. And running. My vision's getting blurry. My body's feeling weak and heavy. I am struggling my way to the forest. Someone's following me. A monster... no wait... a person? Its a man. He has pointed ears and silver hair. He's wearing a metal suit, and his hand... he has claws! Long claws! I fear as I ran even faster. Then a sudden blow of the wind stopped us both. I tucked my dark hair under my ears and fixed my clothes. I am wearing a white dress but torn at the bottom. It cuts slightly above my knee. And I'm barefoot. Suddenly, a loud cracking noise filled the atmosphere. I followed the sound and looked up to see a bird. A huge bird. It continued making sounds as it fly above us. I looked back at the man following me. He's no longer there. And then I heard another sound. A disturbing chirp from a colorful bird resting at the tree branch across me. Its eyes were sparkling like diamonds. And it stares at me like he's about to attack. I stepped back slowly, anticipating its move. Where am I? What is this place? I don't understand. I unconsciously play with the dirt on my toes as I continue to think my method of defense. Then there's that cracking noise again. This time, it seems louder. I looked up and saw nothing. Then in a quick attack, a bird the size triple than that of the biggest animal shoved and ate the colorful bird resting by the tree branch. Hold on... is it really... a bird? Its skin looked more like that of a snake, cracked and looked rough. I stared at it probably 10 feet taller than me as I observe it more from its back. It has wings with pointed sides, and it has horns. Its feet has three huge claws and it smelled awful. The scent reminded me of an overcooked bread forgotten to take out of the oven. I am in the middle of my observation when I heard it swallow. It must have been the colorful bird so different from its size, way, way, way smaller. There was silence before it turned around and stared at me. Its eyes were not sparkling like that of the colorful bird, but somewhat more fierce. The color of the eyes resembles the color of its horn. It looked more copper than brown. And its eyes.... its pupil is as thin as paper viewed from the sides and its skin color.... oh my... its as bright red as fire. Smoke seems to escape from its two straight cut nose, like it was breathing fire. And his mouth line goes all the way to the sides of its face. To me, it looked more like it was smiling, so I remained intact. There were vibrations around us as it talked. Wait... it can talk! I looked at it more closely as it approached me taking just a step closer. "I am not a bird," it says in a different language. But for some reason, I seem to understand it. "I am a dragon," it continued.
Then I arose, panting like crazy. I sat in the bed for a moment as I take everything in. The room felt dark and small with the only light coming from the window on my left. Everything is made of wood; the bed, the walls, the table across me, and the door, as it opened. A figure stepped in. I wait until my eyes adjust before I try remembering who this man is. But I don’t… I can’t…. I don’t know who this man is. He has dark hair like mine, tall, and looked like he’s in his forties. He motioned forward and I realized he’s wearing an apron and holds a tray of biscuits and a glass of milk.
“You must be confused. But please don’t run,” His has this calm voice which gave me goose bumps. He placed the tray on the table and spoke again, “I will answer your questions later. But for now, eat this… and you’d feel much better.” I remained motionless until he finally left the room. I struggled out of the blanket and got out of bed. That’s odd, I thought. I have the same white dress I was wearing in my dream. I walked slowly and precisely towards the table, where lies the tray of cookies and milk. Before I can even lay hands on it, a voice spoke from a distance. I jumped back and ran towards the bed. I grabbed the blanket and covered myself entirely. I lie there, in a fetus position, with eyes shut, trying to pretend I didn’t hear the same cracking voice from my dream. But it kept going. “That won’t work.” There’s the voice again. I tried focusing my thoughts on other things while it continued its speech with words I decided not to register.
The bed covering, pillow, and blanket all smelled like chocolate in white dressing. White chocolate, I murmured. I savored the scent for a while, still eyes shut, but the awful smell of overcooked bread over passed it. Vibrations continued. I kept ignorant. Whatever it is, I am determined to shake it off.
“Are you listening to me!?” Wind suddenly blew so strong it wiped off my only protection. I hurried to grab the blanket back but a force stopped me. I can’t really explain this force. My eyes were wide open but I didn’t see anything block my way. I looked around the room. There was nothing odd at all. “I’m right in front of you.” Another vibration. The awful smell stronger than before. It must be right. It must be in front of me. How possible is this smell would get any stronger? Before I can run away, scream, or die of fear, it spoke again, “Don’t be scared.” I stared right in front of me, expecting to see anything. But still, nothing. I sat comfortably on the side of the bed, trying to fit everything in a circle. “How are you feeling?” Vibrations were even stronger. That was the only time I get to swallow its voice. It sounded like a girl. And the quality has both fierceness and calmness. “My name is Leda, and your name is Kira.” It went on. I was speechless. Kira, I kept repeating on my mind. “Yes.” It said, somewhat sounded like confirmation. “I can read your mind Kira,” It answered, like it read the questions in my mind. “Really?” I finally spoke. I was at awe. I motioned my hand forward, my palm facing the empty space. “I can feel you,” I said. “Of course you can,” Then I heard purring, “I’m your dragon.” My WHAT? I draw back my hand and climbed back to bed. I crossed my leg and swallowed, trying not to register thoughts in my head, fearing this thing might hear it, but I couldn’t. Questions filled my mind. “What do you remember?” I knew it read my mind! But instead of figuring out how so, its question carried me back to the past. I forced myself to remember just about… anything. But it’s empty. My memory box is empty. All I can remember now is my dream. So I answered, “Just my dream.”
“I know. I sent it to you.” Vibrations began to rise again. Before I can question its response, it spoke again, “We have a connection through our minds Kira. We are one.”
“Obviously…” I said, mockingly.
“And you have to stop referring to me as ‘it’. I am a girl. I am a ‘she’.”
Did I hear a laugh? It must be hers. Because I am definitely serious, and way confused. Whatever it, is. Oh, wait, she… is. There’s only one thing I’m certain of. I can hear voices. I can sense it…. her, rather. And she can read my mind! It might seem all crazy, but having the urge to believe it, is crazier. Now I just have to figure out one thing, why my memory is lost. I am eager to ask about it. This thing, or dragon, may know about it. She must do. She knows my name. She could have made up the story, but why? And before anything else, a knock surprised us both.
“He won’t see me. Don’t worry,” She assured. She must have read my mind, again. “Only you can hear me.”
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