Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by The One True Stickman on March 13, 2012
"Now *this* is a prompt I can do. More cowbell, please."
A Cow Is A Cow
A cow is a cow,Unless it is a sea cow -
Which is not a cow
And which you cannot see
(Because it is extinct),
Though it is supposed to be
Rather like a Manatee
Which munches upon leafy things
But lives in water and loves to swim
(And looks a bit like a sausage).
Unlike a real cow,
Which only floats when it must
Or wallows to escape the dust,
But generally stays on land
And chews its cud.
Seldom does it get out of hand.
Unlike a toothy cow,
A very fearsome and horrible beast
And NOT content with leafy feasts
But they only live in Skree,
Where none of us shall ever be
Except in imagination.
Unlike a real cow, which is real
And suddenly boring.
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