Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Christmas concert
I belong to two singing groups as part of the university of the third age,one is a more formal choir and the other is a singing for fun group.In December we performed our Christmas concert in a beautiful local church after practising our repetoire for the last six months.As it was the 20th anniversary of our localU3A ,instead of just our choir performing we were involved in a much bigger event with the new orchestra and the singing for fun group.Singing with the orchestra for two songs,Cantique de JeanRacime and Holsts Christmas day was a very different experience to our usual piano accompiament.The church was packed with an audience of friends and family as well as other music lovers.The choir was on a raised platform with the orchestra in front with violins, cellos ,oboes and flutes amongst the instruments.
Those singers in the choir who are less mobile were seated in the back row as they felt they could be seen better.However this caused some difficulties as they had to negotiate a large step to reach their seats.
Our choir has a shortage of male singers which is felt ,by the female members to be due to men not being joiners!Although the greater longevity of women may be a factor.Our choir is 60 strong whilst the singing for fun group is half the size.since the concert the singing for fun group added ten new members which indicates the success of the concert.
My main worry was crossing from the choir to the smaller group and back again as I was the only member of both groups.I had visions of tripping over or not achieving the swop overs in time. However my fears were luckily unfounded.The groups are very different and are both really enjoyable in different ways as well as the social aspect of meeting a wide variety of new people and making new friends.The choir sings choral and show songs as well as more challenging pieces and sings in alto,soprano,tenors and bass parts ,whilst the singing for fun group sings a lot of rounds,folk and songs from other cultures as well as more modern music.
The concert was deemed to be succesful and has fostered links between the three groups which took part.
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