Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Light and Dark
In mellow Autumn days so crisp and brightthe leaves crunch as we walk within the park
advancing winters chill and loss of light
The children run and hold aloft their kite
high in the sky , its silhouette so stark
in mellow Autumn days so crisp and bright
The colours of the leaves a vivid sight
their red and golden hues a hint to mark
advancing winters chill and loss of light
sweet memories of summer at its height
ignite within, a warmth a tiny spark
in mellow Autumn days so crisp and bright
at Halloween the tricks and treats, the fright
and rings on doorbells when the sky is dark
advancing winter chill and loss of light
as days recede and change to early night
and foxes greet and fight with eerie bark
in mellow Autumn days so crisp and bright
advancing winter chill and loss of light
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