Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
On the Loose
Hullabaloo ensueshullabaloo in the zoo
zoo keepers run
zoo keepers panic
panic is manic
panic all around
around the grounds
around the sounds
sounds of loudspeakers
sounds of the crowds
crowds heading out
crowds at a run
run for the hills
run for your life
life in a cage
life sentence
sentence to prison
sentence to boredom
boredom to pace
boredom by cage
cage in a rage
cage open
open the door
open to freedom
freedom to roam
freedom to explore
explore surroundings
explore new scents
scents exciting
scents of fear
fear of the keepers
fear from the people
people run away
people are prey
prey for a lion
pray for us all
all hear the roar
all fear the lion
lion feeling freedom
lion running free
free as a bird
free as the jungle
jungle king
jungle of concrete
concrete walls
concrete recaptures
recaptures the lost
recaptures the lion
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