Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Death by Adjective
It was fiendishly difficult, the hardest crossword in the whole, wide world.Well, maybe a slight exaggeration but my poor, tired brain was not coping.My heavy head exploding with severe pain grappling unsuccessfully to solve a single, solitary clue. Blurring words moving around the pristine page of this devilish crossword book. Whatever possessed my dearest friend to buy this totally inappropriate gift, I found it difficult to imagine. Of course I received this charming book with effusive words of undying gratitude. If it wasn't for her forthcoming
and now not entirely welcome visit, this dastardly missive would be thrown into my overflowing dustbin as the worst, most undesirable, detestable gift ever received. I could not even pretend to have completed a crossword as it didn't even have a life saving, sanity inducing answers section.
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