Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Beyond the Paranormal
by The Purple PowerIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Beyond the Paranormal

The following is a piece of writing submitted by The Purple Power on March 1, 2008
"...so, this chapter requires a little "ImAGiNaTiOn." Try to picture yourself passing through a tube with thousands of television screens surrounding you, each one is displaying a different event at a different point in time, and these words are the only clearly audible ones..."
Beyond the Paranormal: Chapter 1: A Glimpse of the Future
Chapter 1:
A Glimpse of the Future
"Power up!"
"We have to dismantle the core…"
"Spirit Separator!"
"Lightning Luke!"
"Here take my power crystal..."
"Thank you for falling for it..."
"We have to get our powers back...!"
"Quick, help me to kick his butt!"
"The one who wields the sword shall be evil forever!"
"The gray power is yours."
"Meditate, boy!"
"Time Shards!!"
"Gray Warrior!"
"You're going down!"
"The Purple Power!"
"Lighting Inflamed Power!"
"Phoenix Strike!"
"Vorpal Bomb!"
"Stop hurting my friend you second rate sorcerer!"
"Girls dig the cape."
"Activate the androids..."
"You guys are being trained by the most powerful spirit-human on the planet, I am training myself and I can still kick your butts!"
"Awesome suits, Zach!"
"Their spirit half is in control of them, the longer they stay bound to their spirit the less human they become!"
"You guys are the same person?"
"I am the Spirit Seeker of the past."
"I had to gain your trust..."
"Break that collar, purple boy."
"It's telekinetic!!"
"That day changed my life."
"You wiped his memory?"
"Mommy, I want my mommy!!"
"I'll have to use my dimensional gateway to get inside."
"Wow, you're psychic!"
"You power crazy lunatic!"
"A nightmare cloud, nice!"
"I can become human again!"
"You're nothing but a wannabee hero!"
"That's enough power to blow the city away!"
"He was your pawn..."
"I wouldn't trade my wings for anything!"
"You are always, and forever will be the Gray Intervener!"
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