Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
As I walked down the alley, I knew I was going to die. Everything around me was silent. I continued to walk, unable to stop. When I reached the end of the alley, I knew something was going to happen. I walked as slow as I could. Then, I got attacked. I don't know where it came from. The man who attacked was wearing a bank robbers mask and a black and white striped jumpsuit. I knew I was facing a killer. I started to slowly back away, unsure of his intentions. I turned and ran as fast as I could. The man was on my trail. I ran as fast as I could, fear bubbling to my core, unsure of where I was going. "I can't go home" I thought. "Then, he'd know where I live. I can't go anywhere I'm associated with on a daily basis, he could find me." So I settled for going to the grocers. I ran, heart pounding in my throat, until I saw the sign, then I sprinted. I was relieved to get inside. The lady behind the counter's name tag read "Michelle." "What's wrong?" Michelle asked with ten kinds of fear in her voice. I panted, not being able to speak when he walked in. I pointed at the man, hoping Michelle would understand what I meant. The man carried a knife I hadn't noticed before, and the metal scanners at the door where going off. The man thrust me against the wall, and I did the only thing I could think of: I kicked him square in the jaw. The man let go of me and the knife at my throat. I was relived when I was free. Michelle called the police and they took the man who was apparently Phillip Jacobs, a huge serial killer, to prision.In the court 5 weeks later, they proved Mr. Jacobs guilty on twenty-five accounts on first degree murder. I had to be there, being the victim of one of his attacks. Mr. Jacobs was sentenced to a life-time of prision, but the judge said he should be charged the death penalty for killing innocents such as Taylor Edwards, Primrose Toland, Ann Price, Lauren Stein, and twenty-one other innocents. I can't believe I was in the hands of a murderer and made it out alive.
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