Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The Folded Up Flag
Melodee was just sitting on the couch when she heard the doorbell. Who could it be? I had no idea. Melodee's husband, Gale Peterson, was at war in Iraq. She uneasily answered the door. When she opeed it, she saw a man, dressed in a military uniform, but she knew it wasn't Gale. "Excuse me, Mrs. Peterson? May I come in?" She let him in. "By the way, my name is Gregory, Gregory Bently." They had small conversations aout the weather, and other things that didn't make any sense. Melodee finally got the courage to ask "Did something happen to Gale?" Gregory shook her head yes and she trembeled. Something had happened to Gale. Gregory said "I'm sorry, Melodee Peterson, but Mr. Peterson... is dead." She started to bawl, trembling, shaking with the fear of living without him.When all the neighbors found out, they all tried to comfort her, but poor little Melodee was paralyzed. She couldn't move, she couldn't talk, she couldn't feel. People said she went mad, but no one knew the truth. Gale was her life, her world, her anything and everything, and now, he was just gone. No one understood. No one could say they knew how she felt. No of their husbands died in war like hers did. She was broke. She'd never come back.
At Gale's funeral, everyone tried to comfort her, but nothing worked. It was a closed cascut funeral. The man who came to thier-her- house, Gregory Bently, handed her the flag as she weeped in agony. Holding this flag, she knew he was really gone. She never left her house, she never did anything, for everything reminded her of Gale. She was a widow, and and she knew it.
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