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Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Creative 15 a day

by sayiamu

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Creative 15 a day

The following is a piece of writing submitted by sayiamu on April 24, 2012
"This would work best threaded with my first post... I have edited it to hopefully be G Rated enough to allow view by the site."

Creative 15 a day

Wherever you go, there you are ..or so they say ..

and so I've been all over since the split... but truthfully ... I haven't been anywhere. I'm never wholly where I am these days my heart and soul are there with my family ... in my house.

I have no vehicle. I've owned a car since the age of 17, until now.

Walking, I fantasize that they will pull up ..and invite me in ..and unite the family once again. I always reach my destination without that happening.

Pizza boxes, undwear and paperwork litter the floor. I haven't eaten for 24 hours. I havn't watched television in 24 days. I havn't been able to breathe in 24 months.

If I smile, it is to appease the other face in front of me. If I speak it is to appease other ears. If I live much longer, it is to appease a God that seems afar.

I was an idealist, now I'm a skeptic. I was a father, now I'm a deadbeat. I was savior, now I'm a shadow.

I'll be creative. I'll make something up. But not today... not today...

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