Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Creative 15 a day
by sayiamuIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Creative 15 a day
Sitting near the lake ..clean air ... I haven't been out in weeks ...I know you guys are over on the other side ..living ...
If I were to fall asleep and dream of flying .. would you let me over?
Memories of voices "hey Dad" ... "c'mon" "I love you" ... have echoed so many times the silver silence has absorbed them ... never to be heard by these ears again...
If I think of you...... the pain in my throat .. brings tears ... I could flood this land if I wanted ..
I know that Ive let you down .... you won't know until you are much older ..
Right now I'm just another stranger crying by the lake ..... I can only hope youll be ok .... Im sorry
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