Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
A Garden of my Knowledge
Every night I lie in wonder as I try to sleep in my bed If there's an easier way to spread my knowledge to other people in my area. I start to imagine myself pricking my finger which is something I'd never actually do since I'm not into self inflicting pain. I prick my finger and little droplets of blood drop into a dirt hole. I fill the hole back up with dirt and then a tree grows from it. Branches spread out and life size clones of me grow onto the branches. When the clones are done growing, they drop to the ground and land on their feet. They know everything that I know and I tell them to spread our teachings of how to live life and how to not live in fear anymore.Each of the clones walk away to their own destination of choice. I don't know where they'll start, but I hope that they don't get beat up or disrespected for trying to help because I really wouldn't want to prick my finger again. Maybe one day I'll figure out how to do it again without being afraid of the pain and then my clones can teach that to others too.
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