Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Windy City
The black and white cars surge forward as the hand turns red. Jaywalkers hurry through. An ambulance once stopped, now hurries on. The yellow taxi cabs are in no hurry though.And then there's me. Curled up on the window sill. Spying on everyone. Making up a story for everyone and everything. Everyone. There are young, old, pets, addicts, thieves, and people on their phones. Always talking and texting. Never stopping to smile and say hi. Always grim.
Me, the spy, can look out at the other buildings. The whole city condensed into one. I look at the banana peel sitting seven stories high. The flagpoles on the roofs of buildings. The seagull flying below me.
Then I realize that I'm higher than even the birds will dare to go. Curled up on the window sill. YEt still looking up and seeing more buildings. The curtain behind me encloses my world for only I can see. How interesting it is to look at people and have them not look back at me.
Spy I am, spy I must for there is so much to see. For I am young and have so much to learn in this WIndy City. Smiling, smiling at everyone. So lovely! But I will never know them, nor they will know me.
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