Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Marriage in India is a family affair.. As soon as you are old enough, somehow all the relatives seem interested in what you do, what you have learnt and what are your 'future plans'!! This is precisely the time when you can decide that going to any family gathering, however far related, is inviting proposals for your marriage..Similarly, Reena had just returned form her faraway cousin's marriage and she was fuming at her grand mom, " I don't want to get married now!! Why don't you just get that? I have told you a million times that I will let you know when I want to get married. Right now I am not ready. Do you understand? "
Reena's grand mom was an otherwise very sweet old lady who thought the whole world was her worry. And unfortunately for Reena, her present constant worry was getting her grand daughter married before she turns too old to get any good guys. Therefore, she said, " But when am I saying that you get married now? At least meet new guys, get to know them, and see frankly, Abhijeet is a well educated, respectable and rich enough to take care of you. Why don't you go meet him?"
Reena - " I will meet him after my Ph. D. And that's final. At least for two more years I have better things to do."
Granny - " And why do you think he is going to wait for you? He will find another girl. Thant neighbor's daughter, what's her name, Succhi, she also got engaged last week. Only my Reena will stay unmarried.. Oh God!! Please put some sense into her!! "
Reena - " Dad, please!! Will you tell dadi to stop her get married chant? I am telling you, I will stop coming to all of these functions with you."
Reena's dad was a sensible man who understood both, his mother's worry as well his daughter's ambitions and dreams. He knew that if not now, Reena was sensible enough to find a suitable groom and that his mother was not wrong in her opinion either. He gently took his mother inside, and told Reena to go to bed, wondering when the two of them will burst out next!!
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