Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by du courage on October 26, 2014
"We don't have pets, which doesn't mean there are no (talking) animals in the house. Last time I saw a tiny spider in the bathroom, hurrying along the wall to find a dry spot to survive the shower. And now I find myself first checking if the tiny spider is safe, before turning on the water ;-)"
Talking Pets: other animals can talk too
When I entered the bathroom, there was a soft whispering noise. I couldn't see where it came from, but strange enough I started to recognize words in the whispering." Take care and be aware when these big animals come in. When they start to change color it sure is going to rain. Quickly try to find a safe spot, like behind the tap or in a high corner, or you'll risk to be washed away by a sudden downpour. I wish these animals could warn us before they call the rain."
When I fetched my glasses, I could see two spiders running into hiding.
So now I whisper every time "Rain is coming, spiders, get into your hiding places"
As far I could see, which isn't much without my glasses, no spiders have been drowned since.
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