Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The changing world
The world is changing pretty fast. You too have to do so. If you don't?There is none to ask you until you affect the performance of others. Those who are dynamic and keep on changing with time can survive any difficulty. Thus, for a young professional having certain skills should learn the skills that are in vogue.
If you are a professional with highly selective area, there might be chances that your product might have a dwindling market. The reality in practical work field not all the products would always be useful.
May be, those are useful today can get redundant. At the other extreme thing hitherto found no use get some utility. The point in all this analysis is that one needs to dynamic throughout one's life. Only will then your life would be able to survive all convulsions.
You have to do value addition to your job. That is you need to increase your proficiency so that you could do the same piece of work with minimal wastage of work.
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