Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Ryan on January 12, 2013
"I am very passionate about autism awareness. To find out more about the writing I do to raise awareness for autism, visit my website at www.ryancominswriting.com. Thank you for taking a look."
What is Normal?
A Poem to Educate Autism AwarenessWhat is normal anyway?
Who do you know
that you would
call normal?
I'll explain it to you:
normal is defined
by the majority.
Those with the
loudest voice.
This is the way
it has always been
Those who are autistic
should be viewed
not as someone
who is disabled
but as nothing more
than a different type of person.
There are difficulties, of course.
Anxiety, sensory overload,
and so much more.
Sensory overload can either
lead to a meltdown or a shutdown
which are the result of
great stress. Painful stress.
Enough with the bad
and on with the good.
Those with autism
have many special talents.
Some can sing.
Some can paint.
And some can write:
just like me
But there is one thing
that we all can share:
our stories, our difficulties.
All that we have endured.
Many of us were bullied.
We felt like we could not fit in.
Childhood is always the hardest
for someone on the spectrum
If we are lucky, when we grow up
we will know who we are.
And if we are blessed
we find that we are able
to excel in ways we
once never believed possible.
Even though it is not a subject
which is now taught in school,
I think it should be. I really do.
There is so much ignorance
of what autism really is.
If anything needs to be
taught in school
it is to respect fellow man
and lend a helping hand
Normal is defined
by the majority.
The moral of my story
is to not judge those
who are different.
Who is really normal anyway?
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