Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Famous First Line
It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Sam stared at the clock bewildered, then he turned and glared at his son, David, who was clutching his mother's arm tightly. "Did you meddle with the clocks, David?" Sam asked.David shook his head. He hid himself behind his mother.
"Oh! Just leave the boy alone! It's an old clock, for god sake." Sarah put a comforting hand around her son's shoulder.
"Well, fine. I'll get someone to look at it tomorrow," said Sam as he headed to the kitchen. Sarah followed him shortly. Left all by himself, David stared at the clock.
"You are 4 months late, Santa!" he whispered. "I wanted an additional hour so that dad can spend more time with me. I didn't mean to make him mad,' he added as he peered outside the only window in the room.
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