Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Rain Wrapped
"Come on everybody on the bus!" I heard the coach yelling in the background of the winds blowing through the maze of tennis courts and fellow players but I couldn't move. As long as I have lived the weather has fascinated me and captivated me, and this was no exception. The clouds above lay low and dark, and pouring rain a top everything insight. It was a beautiful, ominous, horrifying sight.Walking back to the bus my eyes never left the sky or the trees still writhing in the wind and if no had called I may have just stayed there. Upon hopping onto the bus and back in my seat I closed my eyes and bowed my head praying that we would just make it home.
The yellow submarine took off feircly and with more haste than I had ever known capable. Watching through the windows of the bus was like trying to understand the foreshadowing in a movie and know exactly where it would lead. Now when I say I loved the weather, and it truly captivated me I do mean that I have the utmost respect for its sheer power. But not quite enough as I soon found out.
No more than 100 ft away looked like a stonewall of rain and fury twisting, and even worse, a fellow school bus lay on its side with no one coming to help. Shock surged through my heart and veins, what was going to happen. Every member of our team clenched their rackets as if it would do us any bit of good, all sending messages home to our parents asking what the radar said. No help, only more worry on the other end of the phone. We began to pass through the wall, we were blind, nothing but the five feet of road ahead at the lowest possible speed. What were we thinking even trying to face a storm of this level with 40 kids on a bus. I looked towards the front again and the further we went the further off the bus the windshield wipers bent. The bus itself rocked and wobbled as I could only imagine the fallen bus had experienced. Not a word was said by anyone at this point simply gripping the seat and praying we would come through the other side of this.
A deep roaring circulated around our shoddy yellow tomb becoming every thought, it was by far too late to turn around. And too late to change our minds. I knew my chances were better and the floor and with the rising intensity I decided to lay my back against the bus wall and brace my arms and legs on the seats next to me. After all under the authority of nature, there is nothing more that I could do.
To my surprise with my eyes closed and body tensed the bus began to stop rocking, the wind began to die down, and the pounding rain slowed to that of the average storm. We had made it. All of us scared, and still in shock, but safely ahead of the storm and racing it all the way home.
We all looked back in admiration of what we had gone through for the next half hour, silently thanking god (believers or not) for the mercy we had just been granted.
Pulling in to the Junior high tennis court parking I immediately saw my mother silver Saturn and began to gather my gear. As I looked around I did notice something I never thought I would see. Not one frown, not one tear, just smiles and laughter.
I said goodbye to my team and my coaches knowing I would see them tomorrow like any other day, but knowing it wouldn't be like any other day. And it never was. From that day forward there was odd bond between all of us. As if we were brothers in war if you can believe it.
Upon arriving at home my mother told me there were reports of three rain wrapped tornadoes between Amarillo and Dumas and it was likely we had passed through two of them. I suppose we really were spared for some reason or another. The only thing I can say is respect nature and don't challenge her, she may not always let you escape her grasps like we were so lucky to have done.
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