Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by KAW on April 29, 2013
"We send our children to school everyday, hoping they'll be happy, taken care of, and taught well. I wrote this for my son's first grade teacher.."
Thank You
If you want to make the worldA better place to be,
Then choose to be a teacher
And guide them lovingly.
If you wish to fill the minds
Of eager girls and boys,
Provide them what they need to know
Always with grace and poise.
To be this kind of person,
To be qualified to start,
Requires specific training
Hand in hand with a special heart.
You're just the kind of teacher
Talked about above.
That's why this thank you comes today
To you, from us, with love.
We thank you for the year you gave,
The warm environment you made.
We'll cherish the memories we shared this year,
Together in first grade.
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