Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Christmas Wish
If you ask what I want for Christmas,This is the answer I'll always give.
I want your heart to beat with mine,
For as long as we both shall live.
It doesn't require legal tender.
It cannot be purchased in a store.
I want your arms around me,
Protecting me forevermore.
I want you to tell me you love me,
Every evening and every dawn.
And mean what you say,
As you declare it each day.
With every word, our love is re-born.
Without you, all possessions mean nothing.
I don't find comfort from gems or stones,
Or feel my soul connect with a car.
It's all worthless if I'm alone.
These are all fine as long as you're here,
But they mean nothing whatsoever to me.
I want our spirits to rise together,
And live for eternity.
If you ask what I want for Christmas,
My answer is simple you see.
I'll never want for anything,
As long as you're here with me.
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