Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The young Giant
THE YOUNG GIANTOn a land unknown to Men nor their maps or knowledge, there was and is a forest which was once full of blossoming flowers and life which thrived as diversely as there could ever be . In the edge of this forest there was a cliff, steep and rugged in all ways. Under the twisted and mangled shrews of weeds along the cliff there was a cave hidden. A lonely giant sat at the heart of this cave... deep in the center she sat and wept . Her family, her neighbors, all murdered by the most vile and disgusting abomination to ever leave tracks on this Earth's dust . Along it came at night . With its stench and look to give the Giants' the gut wrenching feel of utter fear, disgust, and disturbance. If a man were to ever set his eyes on such a gruesome thing he could not help but go mad and die . There it came . Over 15 feet, this was not even considered dog sized to the giants. Its sick green eyes, wide open on alert. with its dusty, hard to the touch and infected flesh's stench of decay, the Giants' knew to conceal any entrances to their shelters. The creature had come to look for a feast for it had consumed all its dwelling had to offer. From the ground it comes, to feast on the ones above . Cursed to never die . On this particular night, one Giant had a thought which she could not conceal to her inner curiosity. Why are the Giants scared of such a creature ? "Even the weakest among us can just step on this nuisance and go on with our living" she thinks . This time her mind was made up . The creature was intent on eating and she was intent on taking it down . As it approached the first dwelling, the creature sees a giant coming forth running towards it. At the sight of this, it throws a cracked and booming laugh which stops the young Giant dead on her tracks . She gets chills and a deep sense of fear penetrates her . " I came to see you" it says. ".w- what you don't know of me. I am never in remembrance of knowing you . I would never associate !" with a heavy scowl it replies" I do not know of you likewise, but I had a deal with your people and they did not comply. I must be fed and they offer no sacrifice." "I was never aware of this" the young Giant says. "Well I'm not here to bargain, I'm here for your people . Since you showed the bravery none of your piers display, I will leave you with your life in hand." And with that the creature dispels forth a protruding dark smoke from its mouth, covering the entire forest of it. The young Giant, still in place, could not bring herself to move . She drops unconscious ........ Waking up in a dark cave she panics, and with a high pitch she screams .. And screams .. And screams .. No one to hear her cries she moves relying on the feel of the walls to guide her. For hours and hours she goes forth, not knowing where the walls will lead her to . Stuck in pure darkness she feels hope is lost . She sits, and weeps, and will forever weep in that cave . Till her bones turn to dust.
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