Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by
charloe on March 27, 2014
The First paragraph
I want to say that I like you a lot . . but then you may think I am really saying “I love you” and you’ll freak out and then there'd be an awkward silence while you decide what you can safely say while still maintaining your chances of ever getting laid again. I just like you. Relieved, huh? But would that be so bad? I mean, what if there were no consequences to not reciprocating? What if it didn't spoil the finely crafted illusion of a relationship we've made for ourselves? What if you didn't have to say it back? If you could just go on being yourself? Coming and going as you please. Aimlessly groping me one day, then being devoted paramour the next. Treating me with the kindness and empathy I deserve, then blowing me off on a whim to spend a sunny day with a "friend." Would it be so bad to have someone here who would still love you? Or would you take advantage of it? I know what I would do if I were you, but I am too ashamed to admit it.
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