Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Jonathan Montague on June 1, 2014
"Nothing special. More of this type of nonsense to come. :)"
Atop the City Clock Tower
Darkness. I very much prefer it over the light.I sit atop this sky-high city building, taking in deep breaths of cold, midnight air. It fills my lungs with its chills and send shivers up my spine. I exhale and watch as it forms clouds of mists which float off into the wind around me. But that's not the reason I come up here.
I come up here because I need to think. Moreover, I need the alone time, the peacefulness and the quietness which is just beyond the reaches of the never-ending busy work of the city beneath me. I watch the cars drive past. I watch the lovers walk beneath the street lamps. I watch the street lights turn from green to yellow to red even in an empty street. Things just keep going and moving, even without my own personal intervention. And that's what truly amazes me about this life - it's that it's constantly going, constantly moving, without needing any sort of divine power to keep it moving forward.
What am I then, to it? Who am I amidst this vast beach of countless specks of sand and dirt? Could it be that I really have no purpose in this life? So many questions, and yet still no answers. I have been going in circles trying to find an answer to it all, but to no avail. I'm stuck in a rut.
How else could I move on to the next life, then, if I'm up here and I have no clue how to move on? I have heard that people say that the dead will always want to 'finish their work' before they move onto the next life. But what work do I have left remaining? I have none that I know of, and nobody who would miss me to speak of. I don't even know how I died.
The birds began chirping. It must be morning time coming soon; they always begin their chirping when morning comes. And during the day time, I will be making my way through the masses of people, walking aimlessly, trying to find out just why I am still here on this miserable Earth.
I took another breath. I hope it remains dark for just a bit longer today. Maybe if it stays dark, then I can break a hole in the space-time continuum and disrupt the very forces of life itself. Wishful thinking, I suppose. But still, I really can't imagine the world without its stunning beauty during the rising and the setting of this sun. It just seems so perfectly synergistic that, perhaps, maybe, this all wasn't just a coincidence?
I'm still here for another day, but I really can't wait to move onto whatever is coming to me. Hopefully, it's something good rather than bad.
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