Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Let's Jump into the Warf
Let's Jump into the warf by:Sherridon Nickesha SimmsDiary Entry
Monday: 3 p.m.-
Hey--It’s M.E….?
Ch. 1. The Ren-u-ve
He spill. He's gay.
We’ll say. Began to clean.
Derk did the dishes.
Jean isn’t fair .
"We'll never finish in time!" I cried...
D. looked at me. "No!”
We knew he’d say it.
Derk was sad again. He didn't get.
jean was so ugly!
This is the ren-u-ve!!!
Do you like it Boo???
It wasn't much left to do. We'd already done most everything.
I stepped in.
Ch. 2:Reunion
It's a reunion-hey ho
Diary Entry 2
February 3rd: It's fun to be
Ch. 3-Bunnies and Rabbits
"I smell so good?!"
"Is that right?" Ducky asked me that afternoon.
We wre in 9th grade honors P.E., or gym class...!
It was girls against guuys.
Ducky stared at me while climbing the gym rope gayly.
"Nice legs," he said patting them.
I stared.
Ducky s.t.i.n.k.s.!!! I thought scribbling ferociantly= in my head.
2 hrs. later
"I'm Ducky!" I thought crying.
"It was so stupid!" I yelled. Bunnies and rabbits.
Ch. 4: Sex
'He's taking it o.u.t.t.t.'!!!
'Oh my GOD. I'm so going to faint.'
Ch. 5 Lies
He cheated...Oh my GOD!!! He’s so totally gaaay. I loved “U” I cried.
I walked all the way to Sylver’s apartment. I wore i.t.
Ch. 6: Lust
I'm Frenchie manicured again laying up at the Nordstrom's Mall/Pool resort.
''We're in ," Check? :)=duh;
The soap smelled good” I tell my boyfrien dd. “It’s so sad,”
Ch. 7:Ch. 7:Sex
I never had a girl. Don’t think I will? Holla???!!!
Ch. 8-The Sea
He fell down. I’mma proprieter???=Get a clue.
Ch. 9-She frenches
…Mmh…She’s so sexy… She’s gayyy. Shem’s totally you!!!
Ch. 10
Diary Entry #3:Weddy and Thursday evening
I don’t h.a.v.e. a clue.
Ch. 11 I love sicky
He’s gay
The End
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