Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Nic on October 29, 2014
"I enjoyed this prompt.
I hope you enjoyed it too."
I hope you enjoyed it too."
My Fear Does Not Exist
There's something there, I know there isBehind the walls; beneath my skin.
I have no proof so you can't see
What this feeling feels to me.
Have you ever been in the dark?
Not one sound; not one spark.
You feel that feel; the one you dread.
The one you made up in your head.
That moment comes to us each night.
When we say, 'No need to fright.'
The lights go out; there are no sounds,
But you feel it all around.
Your heart beats fast when you hear each squeak.
Hair on your skin raises with each creek.
You tell yourself, time and time again,
All this stuff is in your head.
But then there comes that one true day
When your hand actually brushes something away.
Your breath with stop; your heart will freeze.
Acting will no longer be a thing if ease.
You can rush all you like
And run for that bright light,
But you know as good as I
There will be nothing within sight.
In that moment all is true.
Every fear comes back to you.
There is no proof to ease you fears
That what you felt will not reappear.
What we fear is always worse
Than the noun that fuels our curse.
So all I can say is that I hope to see
What has caused my fears to be.
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