Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The following is a piece of writing submitted by aniketnikhade on December 20, 2014
"When things did not fall in place the only thing that came to mind is what happened to the nature of the things when they were same in the past and everything got worked out to reach upon the present moment of time"
Change seems to be a consistent thing
Changed is the nature of things now, changed a lotChanged from the past
Changed with respect to the present
Different is the nature of things now, a lot different from what was thought and what was expected
Different is the nature of things in the present
Definitely different from the past
Difficult is the nature of things now, much more difficult, much more different
Different from what was thought and definitely different from what was expected
To know a thing or two is to understand something
Something in-depth and a few more things in detail
To scrutinize a thing and then make sure as to whether or not the thing is the same
Is the only thought that comes to the mind now
Convinced about the fact that definitely different is the nature of things now
Different from the past
Even as and when the things remain the same in the present, they seem to be a lot different from what they used to be prior
Conceived are a few things in the mind now
Conceived is the notion that there are few things that can be done
A few things can definitely be done so as to shape the future course of time
Things will start falling in place
Things will happen in the right way and start taking the right shape
Only and only if we don't give up and keep on going
The only thing which is the need of the hour is to keep on going
To not to give up when the odds seem to be there
And thus to keep on going despite the odds that come along the way
Finally the things will definitely take the right shape and fall in the right place
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