Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by SabaM on December 22, 2014
"This is my first writing sample on this website. I might be a bit rusty because I haven't written in a while, but I hope it's well received. Also; spelling, grammar, punctuation, and those sorts of things are not my strong suit, so here's advanced warning."
Christmas Haiku
It’s Christmas and coldI want to play in snow but
I live in the sun
I smell Christmas trees
I want to decorate them
But I can’t see them
Laughing little child
Ignore the ugly hardships
You deserve happy
Gentile little snow
falling oh so gracefully
Perfecting the trees
Songs in the background
Summoning a great loud beam
Karaoke beast
Flying all around
Giving people lots of love
No Christmas for me
Winter wonderland
Everyone stop and smile
Eat cookies get fat
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