Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
She’s looking at me,
I’m looking at her,
We say nothing.
We continue looking,
Her eyes are light-brown.
I can see every moment of her life,
In those pupils,
The person she is,
Who she used to be,
What she will be,
She can see it, all the same in me.
We’re both waiting for that moment,
A moment when our worlds intertwine,
Where everything begins to make sense.
That brown-eyed girl,
Whose soul ignites a fire deep inside,
Oh beautiful creature how soft is your skin,
So white and pale,
Like snow on winter’s day.
She reminds me of home,
Something, a part of me, she is that part,
Her smile emanates light through cracks of darkness,
Her light brings forth a sense of hope,
A shining beacon of love.
Her laugh is magic,
It speaks to me, it says:
Everything will be all right,
In the end.
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