Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
I sit,Anxiously.
Anxiously waiting,
Waiting, for that crack, door, or window to open.
To open, showing God’s plan and will for my life.
God, never promises that life
Will be an easy road.
But, He promises to be there.
Never leaving.
Never ceasing.
Never letting go of my hand.
He is my eternal and everlasting guide.
Patiently leading me.
Standing beside me when I stray.
When I stray from the path He has chosen for me
He is my light,
Always guiding me back.
He is my compass,
Always pointing me, in the right direction.
He is my God,
My King,
My everlasting hope.
My guide.
My mentor.
My Heavenly Father.
But, above all.
He is my Savior.
Without Him. What would I be?
I would be lost.
A compass that doesn’t point north.
I would be blind.
Staggering through the darkness of a life of sin.
No light in sight.
No hope.
No direction.
No purpose.
Without God. I have no hope, direction, or purpose.
In all things, I will strive to patiently wait.
Wait for God’s perfect timing.
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