Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by vessels on August 5, 2008
"This is really a brainstorm topic for me. When I see the letter k I think of the word kiss."
Alphabet Soup - K
Want a wonderful experience? An experience that may leave you breathless? Try a kiss. Kiss a loved one just because. It can be a kiss of passion, a kiss of compassion, a kiss of greeting, or a kiss of betrayal. In any event, the kiss that you give may produce a tangible experience for both the giver and the receiver. There's the spark you get when you kiss your one true love for the first time. There's the sweet kiss you give your new born when you hold him or her for the first time. There's the endearing kiss of a mother or father of acceptance and love love. A kiss affects both the person doing the kissing and the person being kissed. The contact of kiss is personal, no doubt. How it is interpreted is to the left to your discretion. You just choose who to kiss and when. Be aware, a kiss can be misinterpreted.More writing by this author
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