Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by vessels on October 1, 2008
"I am so amused with cats. They have such unique personalities. I've always believed a cats live a pampered and relaxing life."
Animal For A Day
If I could be any animal I would want to be a cat. My day would begin with a stretching routine. First a long yawn with my paws outstretched far and wide. Then a really long child's cradle stretch for my back, neck and shoulders. Last, but not least a quick roll over on my back stretch, front and back paws stretching in opposite directions. Then my day would resume with my bath. I have to be clean and shiny so that I am presentable. I use my paws to wash my face, ever so tediously,as I focus on slicking down my fur from the top of my head to the tip of my tail. When cleaning is over, I need attention. If I can get my staff, in training to cooperate ( that's my owner), I might just receive a hug and kiss before breakfast. This is always a task because I have to locate these humans and make them see the urgency of this matter. Sometimes I have to be persistent and pushy to get their attention.Once I finally have the full undivided attention, that I always need at this time of day, I have to make further request. Food, at this point is my main concern. I have a very particular palate so not everything will suit my taste buds. Once again I have to be selective and persistent about what I will and will not eat. Nothing but the best will do, for this feline. Once my belly is satisfied I can go on to other things. Things that require more skill and concentration, like play and sleep. Sleep takes priority of course. Playing comes later. My food has to digest first. So much to do with only nine lives worht of time to do it in.
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