Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by vessels on November 5, 2008
"I started this as a short movie series and it seemed to become more interesting as I developed the story so I decided to write in a story form to get a better sense of how this story could flow."
I am startled awake by a disturbing dream every morning. I awake in a foggy state of mind. I don't know if I;m waking up in a dream or waking up from a dream. A few weeks ago I lost my memory. Names, faces, and places have a familiar aura, but are of no relevance to me. Pieces of my memory seem to come fade in out from day to day. I can't decipher whether it's the dream that startles me awake or a haunting memory that eludes me.Its always begins the same way, I'm in the bathroom washing my hair over the tub, the bathroom door opens, and someone walks in. I scream, and then I hit the floor. Right before hit the floor I am aroused and awakened in shaken and unsettled state of mind.
Who is haunting my dreams? Are they my memories? The answer lies in me somewhere, I just don't know what that answer is. The real question is do I really want to know what that answer is?
This morning I was fixing myself up in the mirror when I scene flashed into my mind. It was not the first time it happened. So why did this scene trouble me so much? It flashed so quickly that it was impossible to pinpoint details to recollect. I was talking, no I was arguing with a man. I don't know who he is or why he would be in my memory. The words spoken are a blur to me. All I can recall is yelling and then... bang! A gun shot! Just that quick the flash back was gone.
Another day begins for me the same way it did the day before. I look over my shoulder startled at every sight and sound. I'm lost in the world I live in. Can I trust what my reality? That's the question I've yet to have answered.
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