Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The following is a piece of writing submitted by vessels on April 7, 2009
"This may or may not be a recipe for disaster. On a good day I've successfully made this Omelette. I've had quite a few days of failed Omelette surprise using this exact recipe, so it seems."
Recipe for Disaster?
This is my basic recipe for a cheese Omelette. I crack open 2 eggs, add two tablespoons of water and a little bit of seasoning. I spray a saute pan, usually a 12 inch skillet, non stick cooking oil. I heat the pan on medium high and toss in about a tablespoon of butter or margarine and whisk the egg mixture together while the butter is melting. When I see that the butter has melted I pour the egg mixture into the pan and cook on medium high while gently pushing in the egg mixture from the sides of the pan toward the middle of the pan as I tilt the pan in the direction of the pushed in mixture to disperse the uncooked portion to the side of the pan where it will begin to cook. I perform this task throughout the cooking, scraping around the pan with the spatula until my eggs are set along the sides and glossy in center portion of the Omelette. Now I add the cheese and let it set for about a 1/2 a minute as I begin to fold each side of the Omelette toward the center until the Omelette is neatly folded into a wrap. I then flip the Omelette over once to continue cooking. In about 15 seconds I turn the completed Omelette onto a plate and served.There 50/50 chance that the above recipe will result in a tasty and presentable Omelette. Put this recipe to the test and redeem the odds for yourself.
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