Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by vessels on July 7, 2010
"I chose oxygen because is an essential part of life"
Periodic Table
If I could choose one element to be made up of it would be oxygen. Oxygen is life, pretty much. We need oxygen to breathe. It feeds our brain; nourishes and enhances our lungs and our body. Nearly every cell in our make up requires oxygen. Imagine being the primary necessity for life. All living things need oxygen. What a powerful element. It can supply relief from tension and stress; natural energy when we focus on breathing properly. Oxygen serves as a mood enhancer when we simulate inhalation and exhalation. Melodious harmony is achieved when singers simply control the flow of breath. Oxygen used to it's fullest capacity, can produce a powerful outcome, both good and bad.More writing by this author
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