Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The Invertebrate Edict of A.D. MMX
A notice To All Chitinous Residents:As your benevolent and merciful benefactor, it pains me to inform you that you and your kind are no longer welcome within my kingdom. I have not easily come to this decision, seeing as we have so long co-existed peacefully and without major conflict, but this past evenings curfew violations, perpetrated by a rogue cricket, are absolutely the last straw, and such infractions will no longer be tolerated! This edict holds especially true for the unidentified assassin who made an attempt upon my person (arachnids, I'm looking in your direction!)
Henceforth, from this day forward, it is my royal and official decree that all Invertebrates must be banned from my borders. These lands include (but are not limited to) my royal bedchamber, the palatial lounge, the king's galley, and his majesty's privy.
All who are affected by this edict must depart from this realm immediately, or suffer the pain of death, be it by the shoe, the gas, or capture and torture with a laser.
-King N. of M.
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