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Writing > Users > clayman > 2008

Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by clayman on August 7, 2008

Ink on the Saddle

Well, the clock is ticking, but I ain't scared. Writing is in my veins. Cut me, I bleed ink.
I'm the writinest fool to ever come out of Texas and my wit is even sharper than my pen.
Why, I could round up all you young bucks in a lasso of my immortal prose and have you hog-tied, pronto, but I'll ease up on the reins a bit and admit that I'm an unrecognized, unpublished genius, and the only thing holdin' me back from blastin' everybody right out of the literary OK Corral is my danged laziness (Can I say "danged", Doug?)...
Yep, I'm a ringtailed writin' renegade with a thirst for action and adventures that I'd never have the courage to embark on in real life, being a 98 pound pipsqueak, and all.
But put me in the old scribbler's saddle and I'll be ridin' tall into that
sunset, don't you know

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