Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by clayman on August 9, 2008
"A stream of unconciousness exercise"
The Monkey Wanted Beer
Ever since he could remember, the monkey wanted beer. He had no recollection of the Captain nursing him back to health as an infant on warm Guinness stout (it was the only drink the Captain had) .Anyhow, the monkey had lately taken to stealing beer from the tourist cabanas, and the authorities were on the alert.
How to catch a drunk monkey?, they mused.
An alert and enterprising young cadet had a plan.
I have no idea what the plan was (it was an official secret).
The monkey was at last captured, and put into rehab where he met lots of female celebrities and famous singers.
It was the happiest day of his life.
(The moral of the story - when you only have fifteen minutes and no real ideas - fake it...
Oh, and drunk monkeys get a break every now and then in my universe)
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