Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
900 seconds
I love the idea of creating something in a short timeframe without prior thought.15 minutes, a cruel deadline, but enough room to improvise something.
Like whipping up a meal out of whatever is in the fridge, or like playing an extended saxophone solo.
Like catching a wave, like making love, like jumping off a train impulsively.
Like buying those shoes you can't afford, like drinkng too much wine on a summer evening,
like crying suddenly in the middle of a Count Basie/Billie Holliday tune,
and still be a man,
like looking around a room and seeing nothing but friends.
The best things in life are free and easy, don't strive, just live.
And may your and my words ring true, may we not think too much and may we let our hearts guide us down our heart's path...
I think my 15 minutes are up
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