Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Was it worth it?
Out of breath, I reach the peak. I walk to the edge to see the view. My head spins, my knees go weak. I take two steps back, then turn and find a seat.As I look at the path I ask, "Was it worth it?" Should I have slept late and rested instead of enduring this painful, time consuming journey. How much could I have accomplished if I had skipped this adventure?
Then I remember what I saw as I climbed toward the top. The trees, tall and strong, pointing the way. The birds, chattering about the world they see. A glimpse of sky, warm and bright.
Was it worth the pain? Was it worth the time? I turn and look at the view (just not from the edge). The white clouds, the blue sky, the busy road. I take a deep breath and rest. Yes, it was worth all the work and the time it took to reach the summit to enjoy this peace!
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