Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by jen_rules_theworld on September 25, 2008
"i have no idea why i wrote this i just did"
will you tell me why
will you tell me whywill you tell me why you left me
will you tell me why you no longer care about me
will you tell me why you no longer love me
will you tell me why you left my mother for her
will you tell me why you left my brother for her
will you tell me why you left my sister for her
dad i want to know why you just left my family broken
will you tell me why she is more important then me your only daughter
if i were to die today you wouldnt know because you dont care and your not there
i want to know why it was so easy for you to just leave
we were happy or so i thought
why did you leave without a thought of what pain you would cause for me my mother my sister and my brother
will you just tell me why what i did to make you not love me
to not want to be around me
but you know it dosent matter anymore that you left
i have a father that will never leave me
i have a father that will always love me
i have a father that is father to the fatherless
his name is Jesus Christ
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