Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Richard on March 18, 2009
"This is going back to one of the previous prompts of using a book as the first person character. "
I Was So Proud
Okay. I admit it. I may be a bit on the heavy side. But that is no reason to ignore me and put me away some place out of sight, is it? And yeah, I know my outside does look a bit dusty and worn, but that's not my fault. I have to sit up here on one of the highest shelves and nobody will even attempt to lift me down because of my size. So, I just sit. What a waste.I have so much that I could share with someone. Much of the information between by covers may be old, but it is still important. I remember one of the last times someone actually took me down and used me, they were researching some law case and I was able to provide them with a long forgotten case citing that they used to save their client from a death sentence. Yes, from a DEATH sentence. I felt so proud!
But people keep writing new laws and they keep pushing me further and further up on the shelves to make room for all of these new, pretty law books. But, who knows. My time may come again. After all, the information written on my pages are based on the Constitution of these United States of America and that document has been around even longer than I have.
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