Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by death_shadow on October 9, 2007
"just a little thing for the promp"
The Mountain Peak
The wind is blowing fierce and the trees are swaying. The animals are varey quiet.there is a deer eating in the meadow. It bends its head down to take a bite of grass. It suddenly lifts its head up. It looks in my direction and then takes flight runnig through the forest weaveing through the trees and bushes. Its body flows like water in a stream. I walk higher up on the mountin I find a she wolf looking after her pups. They are just now getting there winter growth. There fur is snow white it makes you want to make snow balls. I leap off the rock I was standing on and continue my journey. I walk further up the mountin following a stream watching the fish swim and the birds dive for the fish. I am finally at the top and what do I find out I went up the wrong mountian. I think to my self, was this worth it. "Yes it was deffinently worth it.
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