Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by death_shadow on October 11, 2007
"just something i scraped together"
The theif and The T-Rex
The thief was walking down the alley when suddenly there was a big bang. "What the heck was that?" He looks around there is a giant T-Rex standing right behind him. "Oh my god. Some body help me please." The thief starts to run.In the street he takes a left. The T-Rex comes running out of the alley. it looks around confused. Suddenly it spots the thief it opens its maw and bellows a great roar. The theif runs even faster. He makes it to a spall walk way over the water. The T-Rex is right behind him. It takes one slow caustous step onto the bridge. The bridge creaks but dose not give way.
The thief just stands there frozen in fear. The T-Rex takes another more confident step forward. There is a loud carcking noise and suddenly the T-Rex is gone. The thief looks over the edge of the bridge. The T-Rex is in the water, the theif looks down and starts to laff. suddenly he loses his ballence and falls into the open mouth of the T-Rex.
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