Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by death_shadow on October 15, 2007
"These really are my beliefs"
My speech for president
If you vote me for president I will lower taxes. I would try with all my power to make peace before I declare war. Unlike our incompetant president mister bush. I would not sleep on the job and dream I was a jedi (like off of robot chicken).I would donate 5% of our taxes to the poor and ill. I would volanteer my life in the sted of your childrens if they where held hostage. You could count on me to instead of spending so much of our taxes in the millitary I would invest it in science. People you could trust me to protect this contry with my life even if I have to fight. When there is war I would not sit idily by and watch our soldiers die. No I would fight next to them side by side. I would put more money into every citys police department and raise money for the war on drugs.
You could count on me to not get drunk and party like there is no tommorow or get high when we are in a national crisis. If I do not hold up to my polices then I will resign as your president. I would not however make you vote for a new president. No I do not want you to take your preshiss time away from your family or work and if you did vote then I would only hand over office to some one who would try for piece before they declare war.
If they did not try for piece before declareing war then I would ask you to vote him out of that office. I would also ask you to do the same if I also do this. If he refuses to leave office I will have the Secret Service forcfully remove him from office.
If I fail as your president then I will have to ask a woman to be president. I am sure that a woman would try to put piece before war. I am also sure that she would lisen to your problems better then any man could. This is why you should vote me for President.
Thank you for your time.
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