Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
rain forest
The preson I am carreying on my back is afraid of gurrilas and I am Running through the jungle lost. I am looking for civilized people, running through the brush hitting trees lisening to the screech of monkeys and birds.I run by a jagwire as it is stalking it's pray starteling it. It falls out of its roost in a tree.
I run through a grove of trees and monkeys are every where. They throw bannanas, fruit, and you gessed it poop.
I run through a stream perranas and gators swimming through the stream. They nip at my heels as I pass.
I finally find civilized people in a inclosed jeep but I just keep running.
Are you wondering why I just ran buy them because I am being chased by gurillas. The person on my back is saying in my ear "keep running you must for afriad of gurillas am I".
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