Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by death_shadow on November 12, 2007
"I really like how this one turned out."
You are walking through your friends house and you here arguing. You walk over and lisen at the door. "My system is better" says one voice. "no my system is better" says another voice.You walk in and ask "what is going on here?" "I think that the xbox 360 is better then a playstation 3 but Joul says that plastation3 is better" says my friend's younger brother Mike. Then Joul retourts "because it is it has way better graphics and a lot better games." Joul then sticks out his tounge. Mike exlames "The xbox 360 is better because it has cooler graphics and way better games."
They both turn to me and ask "wich do you think is better?" I reply "Well they are both pritty good but I think the wii would is 10 times better." They both yell at me "no it is not the playstatoin3 and xbox360 are 10 times better then the wii."
You grin at them and say "problem solved." they reply "No it is not." we still dont know which is better the playstation3 or xbox360." You tell them "aaaaaaaahhhhhhh but you see you both said that they where both 10 times better then the wii. Thus you basicly said that the xbox360 and playstation 3 are the same."
They look at you dumb struck. then Mike turns to Joul and say "I am sorry. friedns?" Then Joul turned and says "friends." Then they both moon me and run off laffing. You stand there and say to your self "I still thinks the wii is better. "Your friend walks in and says "no the game cube is way better then the wii." you both start to bother then his big brother's friend walks in and asks what the problem? and you say "we can't deside whitch is better the wii or the game cube."
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