Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Harper Trace on January 1, 2009
" Not really sure if this was what I had wanted, but it doesn't seem so bad. I'm not totally sure about the exact legend of Persephone and Hades, but I went with what I did know. Hope everyone enjoys!"
Persephone's Prison
Sitting atop her throne, the great lady and goddess gazed upon all of her subjects.Personally, she probably would have enjoyed such a high position if all of her
servants weren't lifeless, speaking in whispers and bowing constantly as if afraid to
enrage their hostess. She wished beyond anything else that she could be anywhere
but here right now, because she knew that today her mother would be mourning
her. All of her precious gardens and forests around the world would slowly die
because the goddess of nature would not attend to them.
Long dark brown hair laid on her back, curling amongst her lacy dress and
seemed to make her pale skin glow. Against the dark backdrop of black stone and
gray ghostliness, she was like a single candle, glowing all alone in the solidity of the
oblivion's depths. The Underworld held no beauty like hers and its mighty terraces
were nothing compared to her godly charm. But what use was this charm in the
Underworld, where only skeletons and ghosts could attend to her, the prettiest of
those goddesses above? She shut her eyes, feeling shards of ice open a void in her
chest. For sure, Zeus and Athena and Hermes would be enjoying their time,
lounging about in the great castle of the sky, where she could no longer go now.
Persephone was here now because Hades, curse him, had stolen her away from
her mother and father and family. Demeter was weeping above, she knew it, and
her salty tears would slowly kill the beautiful growth and gardens that they had
worked so hard on during spring and summer. And now, thanks to Hades, that was
all in vain. Goddesses can't die, but they can shed tears and Persephone did now,
wishing more than anything that she could be with her mother now, tending the
mighty gardens of the earth and planting many orchids, which was her favorite
Her hand fell from her glowing face to her side and brushed the cold stone on
which she sat. Glancing down, the young goddess blinked in astonishment. The
throne on which she sat was, indeed, a black orchid. It had been carved with great
mastery, done with care, to trace each and every petal, each and every curve to
the beautiful leaves on which she now sat. Looking up, Persephone stared at the
Hades' throne, made of bone-like stone weaved together. How is this, that the god
of the underworld, the gloomy god of the dead and all under the earth's glorious
reaches, knew to make her throne the flower she loved the most. For a moment,
she thought that perhaps he had done so to spite her. But then, she remembered
the reverence and respect the obnoxious Charos had given her and knew.
Even though he had stolen her away from her dear mother, Hades was actually
trying to make her happy. Persephone couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Every
other mighty god had a wife and many children, a realm to govern over. Zeus had
the skies and Poisiden, all the oceans and seas. Hades had the Underworld and it
was a lonely place. Perhaps he had felt lonely without anyone but the spirits and
ghosts to keep him company. The shards of ice that had hardened in her heart
slowly melted as she realized that she pitied the mighty god. Even though he was
god of the Underworld, there was something in him that spoke of humanness and a
wish for company. Perhaps living here for two seasons would not be so horrible
after all.
Persephone sat up straighter on her throne, holding one hand on the cold
orchid petal to comfort herself. She could do this. She was a goddess and there was
nothing she could not do. Indeed, she was the goddess of planting and spring and
that was not exactly something you could do under the ground, but now that she
knew he really had a heart, everything didn't seem so dark.
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