Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
life's purpose
I wonder about my life, what have I doneDo I have a purpose in life?
Am I on earth for another reason?
Not just to be a mother and a wife
Am I hear to contribute, what do I do
What is my lesson in living?
Do I find out when one day I die?
Then will I go to hell or heaven
I’ve born two children, my reason for living
But they will grow and move
What will I do when they are gone?
With whom will I share my love?
Life is about learning, the easy and the hard
Not all goes according to plan
Life’s little hiccups can stop you cold
But you carry on best you can
But is anyone ever really happy
Why are so many bitter?
Do they learn their lessons the hard way?
In the gutter with the junk and the litter
Are the down and outs paying for something
That they can’t remember they’ve done
Do we pay for mistakes in our next lives?
Will we ever feel like we’ve won?
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