Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Niconic on February 23, 2009
"Fun to imagine! Poor guy! "
Disgruntled Bird
I am a partridge in a pear tree.........too bad it's February, I get no love.And to tell you the truth, very rarely am I given as a gift during the holidays.
It's a joke that is getting old for us partridges.
Also, if those silly doves make one more Danny Bonaduce crack, I'm gonna fly the coop, so to speak.
Many believe that the Partridge in the Pear Tree is a reference to JC himself on the day he was born. Now, that's more like it! Although, sadly, not enough people out there give the big guy enough attention all year round. Like myself, December is his time to shine.
Due to the sacred caroling laws of nature, you will never find more than one partridge in any given pear tree. Crying shame if you ask me.......... a fellow could use the company..if you know what I mean.
But the doves have the edge on the romance scene anyways........of course.
Stupid doves..........
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